What Causes Respiratory Distress Syndrome




Respiratory distress syndrome is a type of breathing problem that affects premature babies as their lungs are not fully developed. It is very common and affects quite a large number of premature babies.

Apart from pre mature birth, a diabetic mother, a cesarean or a complicated delivery, or previous history of an older sibling having RDS could also be the cause

Some of the common symptoms include the baby’s skin turning bluish in color, heavy breathing with a grunting sound or puffiness of arms and legs. These symptoms can sometimes show up immediately after birth or a few minutes later. There could be other symptoms as well, so if the baby looks uncomfortable report it to the doctor immediately.


Immediate medical attention is required as this can prove fatal.

A fluid known as surfactant is delivered artificially into the lungs. It helps coat the lungs from within, making it easier for them to function normally.

The infant needs to be put on an artificial breathing machine to aid breathing. Moist oxygen is also given to help normalize the breathing.

All of the above need to be given at intervals and in fixed amounts, as too much or too little can prove to harmful. This needs to be done under the guidance of a doctor. Blog sobre ropa de Shein, Primark y Amazon

There is another treatment called CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure, where pressurized air is passed through the nose. The pressure helps open up the airway and can help avoid the need of a breathing machine. Breathing machines can at times be too heavy for the baby’s delicate system.

There are ways to prevent RDS; check with your doctor for advice, one of the simplest ways would be to avoid a cesarean as far as possible. The natural birth process helps prepare the baby for the outside world. The pushing during labor and the baby crying immediately after birth develops and strengthen the baby’s lungs.

RDS can also affect adults due to an injury to the lungs and is called ARDS adult/acute respiratory distress syndrome. If the lungs collapse, using a ventilator helps stabilize breathing. This needs to be combined with other treatments that can help restore the normal functioning of the lungs.

Whether it is an adult or a baby affected by RDS, timely medical attention is advisable.

What Causes Respiratory Distress Syndrome

What Causes Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Respiratory distress syndrome is a type of breathing problem that affects premature babies as their lungs are not fully developed. It is very common and affect






What Causes Respiratory Distress Syndrome
What Causes Respiratory Distress Syndrome

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