#Fersay announces his advice to prepare authentic home churros





Fersay is a 100% Spanish company belonging to the Etco Group, leading company in the export of accessories and spare parts for electronics and household appliances

There is little left to spend the last cold days of the year and there are already many Spaniards who do not want to miss the opportunity to prepare, and enjoy, some homemade churros, one of the small pleasures that have the winter months.

The churros have always been a part of the Spanish gastronomic culture and if they are accompanied by a good hot chocolate or a good cup of coffee, much better. In addition, making homemade churros is much easier than many think, not staining much the kitchen and takes very little time and very few ingredients. A detail to thank you, too.


For this reason, Fersay wanted to share his recipe to make them. And these are the ingredients that are needed: 250gr of wheat flour; 250g of water; 7 grams of salt and a bit of sugar for the decoration.

As for the kitchen utensils that will be needed, they are also few and very easy to find at any of the Fersay points of sale: a fine-mouthed pastry sleeve or a churrera.

And now, hands to the dough. First of all, put the flour in a bowl and heat the water with the salt. When you start boiling, the water is deposited directly over the flour. With a wooden spoon it is necessary to mix both ingredients slowly.

With the help of the fine pastry sleeve or the churrera, giving the shape of the churros on a kitchen cloth to let them cool for a while.

Fersay offers its #fersayconsejo to make the recipe healthier, you can freeze them and make them in the oil-free fryer with just paint them a bit with a brush. Ojo, you can only freeze in raw. Pronunciacion de canciones

In the case of making them in the pan, it is important to remember that the oil should be at a temperature between 195o and 200o, and the churros are fried by slow fire, When they are golden, take out a dish with cooking paper, to absorb the oil.

Once the churros are ready, just need to sprinkle the glass sugar over and sit quietly to enjoy the prepared delicacy.

Having a small appliance form is easy to enjoy the kitchen and make new recipes. If at home there is no accessory or replacement for the kitchen it is possible to find it in www.fersay.com


More informations about Fersay
Fersay is a 100% Spanish company belonging to the Etco Group, a leading company in the export of accessories and spare parts for electronics and household appliances. It is positioned as the first chain of its sector in southern Europe with a turnover of 11,1M€ in 2021.

Part of its success lies in the ability to adapt to the changes has made the company evolve from providing a technical repair service, to the sale of accessories and spare parts for household appliances and the PAE, also specializing in logistics services for multinationals, baskets of guarantees and the complete management of the network of technical services.

In the face of new trends in family consumption, the company Fersay does not fail to expand its own brand product catalog consisting of parts, consumables and accessories for appliances from the main brands of the market, spare parts for electronics and a wider range of about 300 brand products of small appliances and accessories.

#Fersay announces his advice to prepare authentic home churros

#Fersay announces his advice to prepare authentic home churros

Fersay is a 100% Spanish company belonging to the Etco Group, leading company in the export of accessories and spare parts for electronics and household applia






#Fersay announces his advice to prepare authentic home churros
#Fersay announces his advice to prepare authentic home churros

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