Causes Of Cramping During Pregnancy




Cramping during pregnancy bothers a large number of expectant mothers. A pregnant woman might experience mild to severe cramping at different stages of pregnancy. Cramping during early pregnancy is usually a normal sign of physical changes that occur during pregnancy.

Nonetheless, abdominal cramps should not be overlooked. Cramping accompanied by bleeding or spotting might be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. During late pregnancy, preterm labor causes severe cramping.

Implantation cramping

Every month, a matured egg released from an ovary, is transported into the fallopian tube. During its movement through the fallopian tube, if the egg encounters a viable sperm, it undergoes fertilization. The fertilized egg then attaches itself to the endometrial lining of the uterus. This process of attachment of the fertilized egg to the lining of the uterus is known as implantation. After the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, the egg gradually develops into a fetus, and pregnancy ensues.


However, if implantation fails, and the fertilized egg fails to attach itself to the uterus, the egg is eliminated from the body through normal menstrual bleeding. Usually six to twelve days after fertilization of the egg, implantation occurs. In some cases, implantation might cause mild abdominal cramping. In one out of every three women, implantation cramping is accompanied by bleeding or spotting. It is a sign of early pregnancy.

Cramping a sign of stretching uterus

The uterus stretches to accommodate the growing fetus. A pregnant woman experiences mild stomach cramps as the ligaments of the uterus stretches.

Gas pain and constipation

The physical and hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy increase the risk of gas pain and constipation. During early pregnancy, gas pain and constipation are the two common causes of abdominal cramping. The elevated progesterone level stimulates excess gas formation during pregnancy. Progesterone is needed to relax the muscles of the uterus.

Although the effect of the pregnancy hormone is confined primarily to the smooth muscles of the uterus, even the gastrointestinal tract is mildly relaxed by the hormone. This slows down the digestion process during pregnancy, leading to bloating, flatulence and burping. In addition, the digestion process is further slowed down when the growing womb exerts pressure on the stomach. Moreover, stomach cramping due to gas pain might be triggered by your diet.

Cramping owing to gas pain could be prevented by changing the diet. Presence of excess carbohydrate and starch in the diet might increase flatulence. Cutting down consumption of fructose rich fruits and vegetables might reduce gas formation. Usually sweetened fruit drinks and sodas are linked to gas build up in the stomach. Breaking the large meals into several small meals could prevent gas-related cramping.

Gas pain is often linked to constipation or irregular bowel movement. You can ease your bowel movement by including fiber rich vegetables in your diet. Moderate workouts and certain yoga poses are beneficial for women bothered by gas pain and constipation.


Ectopic pregnancy

Abdominal cramps along with abdominal pain, usually on one side of the abdomen, spotting and bleeding could be symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy, also known as tubal pregnancy, occurs when the fertilized egg is implanted outside the womb, usually in the fallopian tube. Occasionally the fertilized egg might attach itself in an ovary, cervix or in the abdomen. This is a serious condition. As pregnancy progresses and the fetus starts growing outside the womb, a pregnant women experiences intense pain, cramping and bleeding. Vinos de Granada

In the absence of timely medical intervention, ectopic pregnancy ruptures the fallopian tube, leading to infertility. Usually ectopic pregnancy is detected within the fourth and tenth week of pregnancy. The pregnancy could not survive. To prevent complications in the future, the fetus should be removed as early as possible. A history of ectopic pregnancy or pregnancy after 35 increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Women with pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal endometriosis, contraceptive coil and a surgical scar from an earlier C-section might experience ectopic pregnancy.


Stomach cramping could be a sign of a possible miscarriage. Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion occurs before the 20th week of pregnancy. According to reproductive health experts, nearly ten to twenty-five per cent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Implantation failure accounts for about fifty to seventy-five per cent of all miscarriage cases. Pregnancy loss that occurs soon after fertilization usually goes unnoticed. The heavy bleeding that occurs to flash out the fetus from the body is often mistaken for normal menstrual bleeding. In threatened miscarriage, a pregnant woman might experience mild to moderate cramping and/or lower back pain.

Usually chromosomal abnormalities lead to spontaneous abortion after conception. In most cases, miscarriages could not be prevented. Nonetheless, a healthy lifestyle might reduce the risk of miscarriage. Quitting smoking and drinking, avoiding vigorous physical activities, and contact sports, and protecting the abdomen from injuries might prevent unfortunate miscarriages. You can even reduce the risk of miscarriage by eating a healthy diet, including folic acid rich foods and supplements in your diet and managing stress.

Cramping during late pregnancy

Round ligament pain

Mild cramping due to round ligament pain usually occurs during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The ligaments surrounding the uterus are known as round ligaments. When the uterus expands to accommodate the developing fetus, the round ligaments stretch. A pregnant woman usually experiences a sharp pain in the groin or lower abdomen for a brief period. The pain, discomfort and cramp usually occur while getting out of a chair or bed.

Preterm labor

Severe cramping during late pregnancy might be a sign or preterm or early labor. Labor occurring before the 37th week of pregnancy is known as preterm labor. Premature labor cramps closely resemble menstrual cramps. Intermittent or constant cramping in the lower abdomen could be a sign of premature labor. The cramping might be associated with diarrhea. Experiencing uterine contraction once in every ten minutes or at a more rapid rate should be considered a medical emergency. During the last phase of pregnancy, a pregnant woman might experience irregular contractions, known as Braxton-Hicks contractions. However, Braxton-Hicks contractions are not accompanied by opening of the cervix or premature delivery.

Causes Of Cramping During Pregnancy

Causes Of Cramping During Pregnancy

Cramping during pregnancy bothers a large number of expectant mothers. A pregnant woman might experience mild to severe cramping at different stages of pregnan





Causes Of Cramping During Pregnancy
Causes Of Cramping During Pregnancy

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