saffron versus seasonal affective disorder, according to AORA Health





TAE is a mood disorder, which occurs especially at the end of the fall and during the winter, caused by a lower number of hours of light

The decrease in the number of hours of light during the autumn and winter months causes, in some people, imbalances in normal levels of serotonin and melatonin, which produces the known as seasonal effective disorder (ETA). This mood disorder is characterized by symptoms of depression, fatigue, drowsiness, irritability or anxiety, among others.


As is known, serotonin is a neuromodulator that regulates moods and behaviors. Melatonin, for its part, is a hormone that participates in various processes, such as sleep cycle control. The imbalance caused by TAD is more common in women and young people, as well as in people with a history of depression.

The saffron has demonstrated, in clinical studies, its qualities to improve the quality of sleep and mood After waking up. On the other hand, a new possible mechanism of action has been reported: capacity to increase the natural production of melatonin in the organism. It should be noted that recent studies in Spain and the US have shown that melatonin has a remarkable effect on preventing COVID-19 infection, concluding that The probability of positive in a PCR test is reduced by 28% among people treated with this hormone.


All this adds its effects on the balance of neurotransmitters and their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

The main advantage of saffron extract, treated with pharmaceutical processes, in addition to its beneficial effects for well-being, is the lack of adverse effects, so, being a natural product, it can provide important advantages against other components and medicines. Korean Beauty

On the other hand, saffron has also demonstrated its effectiveness as adjuvant therapy to antidepressants, resulting very much effective against depression and stress.

AORA Health, Spanish pharmaceutical laboratory specialized in the creation of high-value nutraceuticalsincludes saffron in various products of its range of health and well-being, including Lovely night a product with several synergistic effects, such as cell protection, decreased oxidative stress, repaired rest and reduced levels of stress and anxiety.


AORA Health combines in AORA Night bioactive molecules of various components, such as saffron, with other natural elements such as Superoxide dismutasa (SOD), Resveratrol biodisponible and Phyllantus embryo (AMLA), which are part of its ORA AOX® complex; the californic poppy, melatonin and pasiflora, of its ORA REST® component and Vitamin B6, achieving a unique and innovative product, which produces benefits and

Gonzalo Peñaranda, CEO of AORA Health has stated: “We focus on offering natural products, developed with pharmaceutical procedures, that ensure the highest quality and are tested through clinical studies, to validate their positive effects and their total safety. Our products are designed to invest in health and achieve maximum well-being.”

saffron versus seasonal affective disorder, according to AORA Health

saffron versus seasonal affective disorder, according to AORA Health

TAE is a mood disorder, which occurs especially at the end of the fall and during the winter, caused by a lower number of hours of light /COMUNICAE/ /COMU





saffron versus seasonal affective disorder, according to AORA Health
saffron versus seasonal affective disorder, according to AORA Health

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