PAPILOXYL reports: “Immunotherapy” against Human Papiloma Virus (HPV)





PAPILOXYL is a state-of-the-art proprietary food supplement, a result of several years of research and development. Its recognized nutritional components (selected vitamins and minerals) make it a powerful immune system coadjuvant, normal DNA synthesis and cell protection against oxidative damage. As well as adjuvant in maintenance and well-being the mucous, skin, and cell differentiation process


What is the immunotherapy”?
It is called “immunotherapy” to any treatment that stimulates, empowers and restores a person’s immune response. In the context of the HPV virus, immunotherapy can be addressed as an adjuvant therapeutic strategy in order to regenerate and improve the immune system of the patient, in other words, it is intended to be the immune system itself that attacks and destroys the virus.

Scientific bibliography indicates that when the immune system is depressed, the virus can be reactivated. It is also possible to get infected with another type of HPV virus (it should be remembered that there are more than 150 varieties or strains). The patient believes he has HPV again and yet is another different type.

What is the human papillomavirus (HPV/HPV)?
HPVs are “small” virus of bicatenary DNA. Your genome contains ~ 8,000 base pairs.

HPV/HPV means human papillomavirus. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases among the population. According to official statistics, it is estimated that 80% of the population (both women and men) have ever suffered it and, in addition, its contagion is especially relevant since it is the most common cause of cervical cancer, oral pharynx, anal and penis. Both men and women may experience this sexual transmission disease. While it is true that there is a vaccine for prevention, there are no anti-infection therapies.

How does “immunotherapy” work with viruses?
The immune process works like this: an infectious agent enters the body. Maybe it's avirusthat tells us or maybe it's a bacteria. The immune system is always alert to detect and attack the infectious agent. Whatever the agent is, the immune system recognizes him as an alien body. These external bodies are called antigens. The first line of defense of the body is a group of cells calledmacrophages. Todos sobre leds e iluminación

A cell calledfagocito is responsible for removing the antigen from the body.

What can nutrition and food contribute to “immunotherapy”?
PAPILOXYL is a state-of-the-art proprietary food supplement, a result of several years of research and development.

Its recognized nutritional components (selected vitamins and minerals) make it a powerful Immune System Adjuvantof the normal synthesis of DNA and cell protection against oxidative damage. As well as adjuvant in maintenance and welfare therapies mucous, skinand the process cellular differentiation.

Scientific bibliography and health authorities recognize that these nutrients have healthy properties for the normal nervous system, the cognitive function and normal.

Other healthy statements are related to contributing to the role of erythrocyte synthesis (eritropoyesis, young red blood cells)and the base acid balance normal.

Apart from all the above, PAPILOXYL has enriched with other nutrients and foods traditionally recognized in Europe and the East for their benefits, such as the Japanese fungi Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum), and Shiitake (Lentula Ages); and lactobacilus: Lactobacilus Gasseri , Lactobacilus Rhamosus; in addition to lactoferrin.

It is therefore important to always maintain a balanced immune system, which can be able to protect the body from viral infections such as HPV. In this sense immunotherapy can be integrated into the global strategy of the treatment of infection, they aim to help the immune system in its defense against viruses or bacteria, to transmit information to the organism and “reajust” the immune response


PAPILOXYL reports: “Immunotherapy” against Human Papiloma Virus (HPV)

PAPILOXYL reports: “Immunotherapy” against Human Papiloma Virus (HPV)

PAPILOXYL is a state-of-the-art proprietary food supplement, a result of several years of research and development. Its recognized nutritional components (sele





PAPILOXYL reports: “Immunotherapy” against Human Papiloma Virus (HPV)
PAPILOXYL reports: “Immunotherapy” against Human Papiloma Virus (HPV)

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