5 smöoy tips to hydrate if you work in August





The arrival of the second half of the month of August brings with it the return to the work of the holidays of many professionals. The start of the course is approaching and from smöoy, the leading chain of frozen yogurt in Spain, some recommendations are proposed to hydrate while working

From smöoy they explain, that the human brain is composed of more than 80% of water. “If we do not hydrate well during our working day, symptoms of dehydration will appear as dry mouth, thirst, feeling fatigue, migraines or dizziness. These symptoms cause a drop in energy and concentration that will affect our performance at work. Therefore, it is vital that we hydrate well throughout our working day, regardless of whether our work is sedentary or physical.”


5 tips for hydrating at work

  1. Do not wait for thirst to drink: One of the frequent mistakes while working is waiting for thirst to hydrate. From smöoy it is recommended to keep the intake of liquids continuously.
  2. Having a bottle of water at work: Whether it's a sedentary or physical work, you should always have a glass or bottle of water to hydrate.
  3. Increase fruit consumption: it is a food, along with the vegetables that contain plenty of water so it will help keep the body moist.
  4. Drink regularly throughout the day: do not wait to have thirst to drink water. You should get used to the body to keep hydrated continuously throughout the day.
  5. In addition to water it is possible to hydrate with juices, smoothies or yogurt: Although water is the number one food to hydrate, there are other alternative products that can help. It is shown that dairy products such as frozen yogurt are a source of healthy hydration in addition to all the properties (proteins and vitamins) it offers.

4 smöoy products to moisturize at work Filtros de Agua

Experts advise using alternative water products to promote hydration on a continuous basis during work. In this way, in smöoy you can find all kinds of products that besides their healthy contributions help to keep the body moisturized

Yogurt ice cream: This is the star product of smöoy. An iced yogurt with more than 90 years and in which the company every year allocates much of the budget to improve its composition. It is rich in vitamins and low in fats.

Freezers: or grained of fruit-based flavors such as strawberry or orange. There is also a variety called lemon light that is the lightest in the market.

Smöothies: or smoothies of different varieties. A dairy derivative that in addition to hydrating at work promotes protein intake and calcium so rich for bone development.

Frappés: they are being the sensation of the summer and it is about chopped ice next to fruit or coffee. Also in smöoy there are varieties made with chocolate, white chocolate, caramel, strawberry and fruit of the forest. Ideal for hydrating in the office.

In smöoy they prepare all the products to carry, in addition to being able to enjoy them on some of their terraces, but the company has a special Take Away service specially designed to be able to transport all their products to where consumers want, including work.

About smöoy
is the first Spanish franchise that manufactures and sells the first functional yogurt ice cream on the market: low in fat, rich in fiber, gluten free and, now, calcium source.

It was born in 2010 but has the experience of its creators, fourth generation of a family dedicated to traditional ice cream for a century. It also has own departments of R+D+i, Food Quality and Marketing, which continuously invest their efforts in the creation of new products, in criteria of improvement and in adapting their products to the needs of the market.

The company has a presence in numerous international markets of the four continents in countries such as Algeria, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Guinea Conakry, Netherlands, Isla Reunion, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom and Singapore.

5 smöoy tips to hydrate if you work in August

5 smöoy tips to hydrate if you work in August

The arrival of the second half of the month of August brings with it the return to the work of the holidays of many professionals. The start of the course is a






5 smöoy tips to hydrate if you work in August
5 smöoy tips to hydrate if you work in August

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